
Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday "Writer's Blah" gets Facepunched...or not.

Today, I feel as though I am slogging through a murky bog with weights on my shoes.  No, I don’t have writers block (I don’t think I actually believe in writer’s block), but I do have writer’s blah.  It is like the blues for writers.  I’m not super excited about writing, mainly because I have not had any solid time to sit down uninterrupted and write.  Not only is this extremely frustrated for one who loves to write, but it also makes me cranky.  Then stupid things make me even crankier and I cannot write when I am cranky.  Well, not unless I want all my characters to be deviants. Perhaps I should write my villain today.  Could be perfect, or maybe overly dramatic.  I may give it a try.

I have a cherry amp for today, but I think I am in need of some decaf coffee and perhaps some chocolate.  My bag of raspberry flavored chocolate is almost gone.  I’m thinking of going to extremes, like maybe I need a chocolate cake. Huh, I guess I’m thinking comfort food like mashed potatoes and chocolate.  I am blaming my current crankiness for my epic kitchen fails last night.  I tried to make macaroni and cheese from scratch, but apparently I did not remember the recipe as well as I thought I did and ended up with just a big globule of melted cheese instead of a cheese sauce.  ~insert sarcasm here~ yay.  Now I feel slightly derailed and kicked my freewriting exercise from yesterday to the curb. 

The only comfort I have at the moment until I can get to the grocery store, is the knowledge that others are sharing similar sentiments this week.  Their posts are much more entertaining that mine – seriously, I hardly got any sleep, what do you expect? – so I would recommend checking them out.  You will at least get a little chuckle out of them.  Hope your day is full of awesome instead of Writer’s Blah!

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